Friday, August 04, 2006

Cindy Lou Vindaloo...

One of my greatest loves in all of this world is Indian food. I will love it to my dying day, and I will go on record as calling it some of the most insane comfort foods out there. My big problem with Indian food? Let's see, there's ghee, there's cream, there's oil...there are my pants over in the corner that don't fit anymore.

So my inner Brini Maxwell says, "Make your own Indian food" (and also adds the "Why didn't you think of that" aside with the twinkle sound)...

Problem. Any Indian or Indian-esque dish I make tastes exactly the same. No, really. Chana Masala tastes like Cauliflower Curry tastes like Daal and all of the above mentioned could have masqueraded as my dinner last night, Vindaloo Vegetables from

It can't be the recipes, I really don't think there's some sort of conspiracy to keep wonderful Indian food out of my kitchen. I totally need help!

Of course there's no picture of the food. I wish there were. Actually, not so much. I don't want to show my lack of success.


Harmonia said...

Iloved your letter to your aunt. Your comments made me smile! Thanks!


urban vegan said...

Get one of Madhur Jaffrey's books from the library. I've learned so much about Indian cooking from her books.

Nicki Baker said...

I love Indian food too! I'm just vegetarian, not vegan, but I do wish there wasn't so much ghee in it - that's probably the only thing that would make it unhealthy. I actually like the paneer (their cheese, which is rennet-free) and the gulab jamon. I think my favorites are palak paneer, anything dal, and the chickpea stuff.

Nikk said...

Nicki--I have my not so vegan moments when it comes to Indian food because I have the same favorites (paneer, dal, and anything with chickpeas!). Gulab Jamun is the most heavenly thing ever greated.